This article explores the history and evolution of drinking water risk in Bangladesh through the construction and interpretation of risk narratives in the media. The author reviews an inventory of 3,211 drinking water specific articles published by the Ittefaqnewspaper between 1980 and 2016.
Empowerment and water among pastoralist women in Norther Kenya
This policy brief presents key findings and recommendations from a REACH Catalyst Grant study exploring questions around women, water and gendered power relations in Maasai and Samburu counties in Northern Kenya. The study was led by the Centre for Humanitarian Change.
Fecal Colonization With Multidrug-Resistant E. coli Among Healthy Infants in Rural Bangladesh
The overuse of third generation cephalosporins (3GC) antibiotics, is causing increased antiobiotic resistance in developing countries. In this article, the authors describe fecal colonization of 3GC-resistant E-coli in healthy infants living in rural areas of Bangladesh.
On considering climate resilience in urban water security: A review of the vulnerability of the urban poor in sub-Saharan Africa
This paper reviews literature on the vulnerability of the urban poor to floods, droughts, and cholera in Sub-Saharan Africa. It highlights the structural challenges and systemic inequalities that are increasing the vulnerability of the urban poor including the differential experiences of women and children.
Emerging themes on considering water equity
This research brief presents key insights from 23 REACH studies that included exploration of differentiated (particularly gender-driven) experiences, practices and needs related to water.
Establishing hybrid water use rights systems in sub-Saharan Africa: a practical guide for managers
This guideline sets out practical options for water resources managers for amending existing water use rights systems to better support inclusive rural development and farmer-led irrigation while also ensuring the sustainable use of limited water resources.
Sustainable Land Management and its Effects on Water Security and Poverty | Evidence from a Watershed Intervention Program in Ethiopia
This paper, led by IFPRI, investigates the impacts of sustainable land management (SLM) on water security and poverty based on an evaluation of a watershed level SLM program promoted in Amhara regional state of Ethiopia
Constraints and solutions for groundwater development, supply and governance in urban areas in Kenya
This paper presents a conceptual framework addressing groundwater governance and management issues to promote water security for the poor in Kenya’s urban areas. The approach is flexible, scalable, transferrable, can be monitored using set indicators and is thus directly relevant to practitioners and policy makers working towards the development of holistic and effective solutions for groundwater development, supply, and governance.
Considering gender when promoting small-scale irrigation technologies
This IFPRI tool provides a guide and structured set of questions to assess gender dynamics in irrigation in a specific context. The questions can be used to collect information prior to, during, or after project implementation to inform different strategic approaches of the project.
Climate Change Impact on Water Resources in the Awash Basin, Ethiopia
In this paper published in Water MDPI, the authors aim to understand the impact of climate change on water resources of the Awash Basin, using three climate models from Coupled Models Inter-comparison Project phase 5 (CMIP5) and for three future periods (2006–2030, 2031–2055, and 2056–2080).