
A social-ecological analysis of drinking water risks in coastal Bangladesh

Groundwater resources in deltaic regions are vulnerable to contamination by saline seawater, posing significant crisis for drinking water. In this paper, the authors use a social-ecological systems approach to evaluate the risks to drinking water security in one of 139 polders in coastal Bangladesh.

Emerging themes on considering water equity

This research brief presents key insights from 23 REACH studies that included exploration of differentiated (particularly gender-driven) experiences, practices and needs related to water.

Understanding river water quality risks to promote economic growth and reduce poverty in Dhaka

In this policy brief, the authors present new data and provisional findings from river water monitoring sites together with a survey of over 1,800 households. Regulatory compliance is assessed at these sites along the Tongi-Turag-Balu Rivers using spatial analysis and suggest strategies to support progress toward achieving target reductions in wastewater and improving safe water for all.

Resilient options for improving drinking water security in coastal Bangladesh

In this discussion brief the authors present key results from a household survey, a water audit, six focus group discussions and 12 key informant interviews conducted between December 2017 and February 2018 to collect empirical evidence on different aspects of safe and sustainable drinking water services in Polder 29, southwest coastal Bangladesh.

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