Published Article

Constraints and solutions for groundwater development, supply and governance in urban areas in Kenya

This paper presents a conceptual framework addressing groundwater governance and management issues to promote water security for the poor in Kenya’s urban areas. The approach is flexible, scalable, transferrable, can be monitored using set indicators and is thus directly relevant to practitioners and policy makers working towards the development of holistic and effective solutions for groundwater development, supply, and governance.

Climate Change Impact on Water Resources in the Awash Basin, Ethiopia

In this paper published in Water MDPI, the authors aim to understand the impact of climate change on water resources of the Awash Basin, using three climate models from Coupled Models Inter-comparison Project phase 5 (CMIP5) and for three future periods (2006–2030, 2031–2055, and 2056–2080).

A cultural theory of drinking water risks, values and institutional change

In this article published in Global Environmental Change, the authors apply Mary Douglas’ cultural theory to rural waterpoint management and discuss its operationalisation in pluralist arrangements through networking different management cultures at scale. The theory is tested in coastal Kenya, drawing on findings from a longitudinal study of 3500 households.

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