Are you interested in water security, water quality and climate resilience? REACH is currently advertising three research roles joining Dr Katrina Charles’ water quality team. Application deadline: 15 April.
ECR Feature | Does entrepreneurship mean empowerment for young women bunabéts (coffee house) owners in Wukro, Ethiopia?
As part of this Early Career Feature, Zoë Johnson discusses insights from her research exploring how processes of social, economic, and political change in Ethiopia shape young women’s perceptions of their own opportunities.
ECR Feature | Groundwater is a vital invisible resource – to use it, we need to better understand it and make it visible
Early Career Researcher Florence Tanui, Ph.D. Fellow in Geology at the University of Nairobi, shares key insights from the groundwater research she has been leading in Lodwar, Kenya, as part of REACH.
How can we increase capacity for water-related climate adaptation? Lessons and opportunities from Ethiopian river basins
Capacity building within and across institutions is a critical step to accelerating water-related climate adaptation. Dr Ellen Dyer shares insights from a session themed around this topic, hosted by REACH at the African Climate Risk Conference on 7 October.
What we know, don’t know and need to know about future East African Climate | 4 September cross-project meeting
On 4 September, REACH hosted a collaborative meeting on East-African climate, in collaboration with AfricanSWIFT, the IMPALA and HyCristal FCFA projects. Here’s a summary from the meetings and key messages from ECRs.
Ethiopia’s future is tied to water – a vital yet threatened resource in a changing climate
REACH researchers find that the future of Ethiopia’s Awash basin will be hotter, drier and more water scarce – which could have serious consequences for people and the economy. Developing climate-resilient policies will be critical to ensure a prosperous and sustainable future for all.
What we’ve learned from Kenya’s pastoralist women about the drivers and consequences of water insecurity
Nancy Balfour shares key findings from the research she has been leading over the past three years on the links between women empowerment and water insecurity for Kenyan pastoralist women.
Citizen science contributes to environmental management and water security in Ethiopia
Teams at Newcastle University and IWMI share key insight from a REACH funded accelerated project they’ve led since 2017, using citizen science to improve water security through enhanced climate and hydrological monitoring.
ECR Feature | Water for all: A systems approach to improving basin-scale water resources management
In this ECR feature, Dr Feyera Hirpa shares key insights from his research on improving water resources management and basin, Ethiopia
Building capacity for climate resilient WASH
Dr Katrina Charles discusses the importance of integrating climate change within any decisions around water and sanitation for building resilience in the context of worsening climate change.