This research applies an integrated assessment model to the south-west coastal zone of Bangladesh to explore the outcomes of four contrasting and plausible development trajectories under different climate and socio-economic scenarios.
Published Article
Addressing women’s needs in water access for economic use: the case of Wukro town, Ethiopia
This study examined how small-scale businesses run by women in Wukro town, Ethiopia are impacted by inadequate supply of water, and what coping strategies are employed.
Risky responsibilities for rural drinking water institutions: The case of unregulated self-supply in Bangladesh
By considering how infrastructure, information, and institutional systems evolved in Bangladesh, this article identifies the unintentional consequences of reallocating management responsibility for rural water services away from government agencies towards individuals and households.
Empowerment in water, sanitation and hygiene index
The Empowerment in Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Index (EWI) is a novel survey-based index designed to measure agency, participation and empowerment in the water and sanitation sector. This study reports on the methodological approach and data from a pilot study in Burkina Faso.
Tryptophan-like fluorescence as a high-level screening tool for detecting microbial contamination in drinking water
A nine-month water quality monitoring programme was conducted in rural Malawi to assess the suitability of tryptophan-like fluorescence (TLF), an emerging method for rapidly detecting microbial contamination, as a drinking water quality monitoring tool.
Young Women and Feminised Work: Complicating Narratives of Empowerment through Entrepreneurship with the Stories of Coffeehouse Owners in Wukro, Ethiopia
Using life herstory methods grounded in feminist methodologies, this article tells the stories of young women coffeehouse owners in Wukro, Ethiopia, revealing some of the often-overlooked sociocultural issues facing young women entrepreneurs in development contexts.
A framework for monitoring the safety of water services: from measurements to security
The sustainable developments goals introduced monitoring of drinking water quality to the international development agenda. In this paper, the authors propose and apply a framework to reflect on the purposes of and approaches to monitoring drinking water safety.
Hydrogeochemistry of a strategic alluvial aquifer system in a semi-arid setting and its implications for potable urban water supply: The Lodwar Alluvial Aquifer System (LAAS)
This study examined the hydrochemistry of the Lodwar Alluvial Aquifer System (Kenya) and its implications for drinking water supply.
Large-scale survey of seasonal drinking water quality in Malawi using in situ tryptophan-like fluorescence and conventional water quality indicators
This study, carried in Malawi, is the first to investigate the effectiveness of Tryptophan-Like Fluorescence for a large-scale survey using a randomised, spot-sampling approach.
Water availability analysis of multiple source groundwater supply systems in water stressed urban centers: case of Lodwar municipality, Kenya
This research examines water delivery challenges for water utilities in fragile environment in Kenya, through a systematic analysis of availability from each supply sub-components from source to consumer.