The Water Services Maintenance Trust Fund has tested a professional service delivery model in two counties and attracted new sources of results-based funds to guarantee water services in rural communities. Water users pay an affordable share of the costs to guarantee repairs are completed in a few days rather than weeks or months. This summary reports some of the impacts from maintaining rural handpumps and small piped systems.
Story of Change: Protecting groundwater for climate resilience and water security in Turkana
In Turkana County, research by the University of Nairobi around Lodwar’s underlying aquifers is addressing critical data and knowledge gaps. Groundwater quality mapping indicates areas with poor groundwater quality to inform water infrastructure investments. This work contributing to new policy and practice to protect the Lodwar Alluvial Aquifer System and enhance resilience to climate risks.
REACH Exit Strategy
REACH’s Exit Strategy scopes out actions to promote the legacy of the programme, highlighting opportunities to sustain, scale-up, and scale-out our work.
Improving the Reliability of Water Service Delivery in Rural Kenya through Professionalized Maintenance: A System Dynamics Perspective
This study applies system dynamics modeling to assess the potential impact of scaling up professionalized maintenance services on piped water systems in Kitui County, Kenya. The study results show that over a
10 year simulation, calibrated with 21 months of empirical data and based on a range of key assumptions, delivery of professionalized maintenance services across the county may increase countywide functionality rates from 54% to over 83%, leading to a 67% increase in water production.
Water policy, politics, and practice: The case of Kitui County, Kenya
This article uses an action-orientated knowledge framework to consider types of knowledge produced through rural water “policy experiments” in Kitui County, Kenya over the past 10 years. Actionable recommendations for the further development of county-level water policy include: 1) ensure local ownership of the policy-making process whilst enabling appropriate technical and legal support; 2) take long timeframes of institutional change into account in donor programming; and 3) establish water, sanitation and hygiene forums that bring diverse actors within the sector together to build cohesion, facilitate knowledge exchange, enable collaborative learning, and deliver action.
Observations of the Turkana Jet and the East African Dry Tropics
This article presents research from a field campaign in northwest Kenya on the Turkana Low Level jet, an intrinsic part of the African climate system and principle method of water vapor transport to the African interior from the Indian Ocean. Measured for the first time in 40 years, this dataset presents new evidence on the Turkana jet, and creates an opportunity to better understand regional dynamics in one of the most data-sparse regions in the world.
Incentivizing clean water collection during rainfall to reduce disease in rural sub-Saharan Africa with weather dependent pricing
This article proposes a new pricing mechanism for ‘water ATMs’, made possible with pre-payment and remote sensing, where prices adjust during rainy seasons to incentivise the continued use of clean water sources. The authors estimate cost per capita and cost per disability-adjusted life year averted, resulting in values which compare favourably with other water quality interventions.
Addressing socio-economic inequalities in Lodwar and broader Turkana
This report details outcomes from a workshop in Turkana, Kenya, on ‘Socio-economic aspects of flash floods, water and climate’, held in February 2022. The workshop discussed how water and flood risks relate to socio-economic inequalities, as well as critical gender and intersectionality considerations.
Improving water and hand-washing services in rural health care facilities in Kitui County, Kenya
This brief presents policy recommendations for improving water and hand-washing services in rural health care facilities through a professional service delivery model. Annualised costs to provide safe and reliable water and soap services are estimated from actual cost data, providing a basis for County-level budgets and investment planning.
Investing in professionalized maintenance to increase social and economic returns from drinking water infrastructure in rural Kenya
This policy brief is based on 10 years of research in Kitui County, Kenya, supported by the REACH programme, the USAID Sustainable WASH Systems Learning Partnership, UNICEF, ESRC and UKAID. It finds the investment case for professionalized maintenance of drinking water infrastructure becomes compelling when factoring in wider social and economic returns.