This guideline, aimed at technical staff involved in introducing community-based monitoring (researchers, development agents and woreda-level experts) provides a step by step procedures on how to plan, establish and operate community-based monitoring.
Climate Resilience
Have coastal embankments reduced flooding in Bangladesh?
This paper analyses floods during the years 1988–2012 in South Western Bangladesh, diagnosing whether the floods were attributable to monsoonal precipitation, high upstream river discharge into the tidal delta, or cyclone-induced storm surges.
On considering climate resilience in urban water security: A review of the vulnerability of the urban poor in sub-Saharan Africa
This paper reviews literature on the vulnerability of the urban poor to floods, droughts, and cholera in Sub-Saharan Africa. It highlights the structural challenges and systemic inequalities that are increasing the vulnerability of the urban poor including the differential experiences of women and children.
Sustainable Land Management and its Effects on Water Security and Poverty | Evidence from a Watershed Intervention Program in Ethiopia
This paper, led by IFPRI, investigates the impacts of sustainable land management (SLM) on water security and poverty based on an evaluation of a watershed level SLM program promoted in Amhara regional state of Ethiopia
Constraints and solutions for groundwater development, supply and governance in urban areas in Kenya
This paper presents a conceptual framework addressing groundwater governance and management issues to promote water security for the poor in Kenya’s urban areas. The approach is flexible, scalable, transferrable, can be monitored using set indicators and is thus directly relevant to practitioners and policy makers working towards the development of holistic and effective solutions for groundwater development, supply, and governance.
Climate Change Impact on Water Resources in the Awash Basin, Ethiopia
In this paper published in Water MDPI, the authors aim to understand the impact of climate change on water resources of the Awash Basin, using three climate models from Coupled Models Inter-comparison Project phase 5 (CMIP5) and for three future periods (2006–2030, 2031–2055, and 2056–2080).
Finding sustainable water futures in data-sparse regions under climate change: Insights from the Turkwel River basin, Kenya
Kenya’s Turkwel river basin experiences a high level of water scarcity due to its arid climate, high rainfall variability and rapidly growing water demand. In this paper, a novel decision-scaling approach was applied to model the response of the Turkwel river basin’s water resources system to growing demand and climate stressors.
The distributional and multi-sectoral impacts of rainfall shocks: Evidence from computable general equilibrium modelling for the Awash Basin, Ethiopia
In this paper published in Ecological Economics, the authors analyse the multi-sectoral and distributional economic impacts of rainfall shocks in the Awash river basin in Ethiopia.
Weather and climate knowledge for water security: Institutional roles and relationships in Turkana
In this working paper the authors discuss findings from a 2016 study of the institutions involved in water decision-making in Lodwar, focusing on their access to and use (or non-use) of weather and climate information.
Avoiding the water-poverty trap: Insights from a conceptual human water dynamical model for Coastal Bangladesh
In this study, the authors use water modelling to examine the dynamics between water related risks and poverty for an embanked area in coastal Bangladesh.