
Addressing socio-economic inequalities in Lodwar and broader Turkana

This report details outcomes from a workshop in Turkana, Kenya, on ‘Socio-economic aspects of flash floods, water and climate’, held in February 2022. The workshop discussed how water and flood risks relate to socio-economic inequalities, as well as critical gender and intersectionality considerations.

Drinking Water Quality in Bangladesh | 2021 Updates

This report shares key findings from the Bangladesh Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) 2019: Water Quality Thematic Report, based on water quality testing and survey carried out in 2019 by Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics in collaboration with UNICEF and icddr,b.

Water Security for Climate Resilience Report

This report presents a synthesis of published and ongoing research by REACH which explores the relationship between water security, climate and climate adaptation decisions. The report draws on findings from REACH research conducted in Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia. 

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