This research brief presents key insights from 23 REACH studies that included exploration of differentiated (particularly gender-driven) experiences, practices and needs related to water.
Establishing hybrid water use rights systems in sub-Saharan Africa: a practical guide for managers
This guideline sets out practical options for water resources managers for amending existing water use rights systems to better support inclusive rural development and farmer-led irrigation while also ensuring the sustainable use of limited water resources.
Constraints and solutions for groundwater development, supply and governance in urban areas in Kenya
This paper presents a conceptual framework addressing groundwater governance and management issues to promote water security for the poor in Kenya’s urban areas. The approach is flexible, scalable, transferrable, can be monitored using set indicators and is thus directly relevant to practitioners and policy makers working towards the development of holistic and effective solutions for groundwater development, supply, and governance.
Empowerment and water security among pastoralist women in the Maasai and Samburu communities of Northern Kenya
This study explores questions around women, water and gendered power relations in Laikipia and Samburu counties of Northern Kenya using qualitative methods.
A Hybrid Approach to Decolonize Formal Water Law in Africa
This study, funded by REACH as part of an Accelerated Grant, explains the state of water permitting in sub-Saharan Africa and proposes a hybrid approach to water law as the way forward.
Finding sustainable water futures in data-sparse regions under climate change: Insights from the Turkwel River basin, Kenya
Kenya’s Turkwel river basin experiences a high level of water scarcity due to its arid climate, high rainfall variability and rapidly growing water demand. In this paper, a novel decision-scaling approach was applied to model the response of the Turkwel river basin’s water resources system to growing demand and climate stressors.
Understanding factors and actors to achieve sustainable drinking water systems in Kitui County, Kenya
Despite significant progress in building over 3,000 waterpoints across Kitui County in recent years, the challenge of providing sustainable drinking water services remains high. This brief presents the ranking of different factors for sustainable systems based on priorities of 42 Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) actors in a forum hosted in February 2018.
A cultural theory of drinking water risks, values and institutional change
This Policy Brief, based on an article by Koehler et al (2018), explores how drinking water risks are managed in rural Africa and considers pluralist institutional arrangements that enable risks and responsibilities to be re-conceptualised and re-allocated between the state, market and communities to create value for rural water users.
A cultural theory of drinking water risks, values and institutional change
In this article published in Global Environmental Change, the authors apply Mary Douglas’ cultural theory to rural waterpoint management and discuss its operationalisation in pluralist arrangements through networking different management cultures at scale. The theory is tested in coastal Kenya, drawing on findings from a longitudinal study of 3500 households.
The water diary method – proof-of-concept and policy implications for monitoring water use behaviour in rural Kenya
The water diaries method consists of collecting comprehensive evidence on daily sources, uses, cost and sufficiency of water, along with weekly household expenditures. In this paper, published in Water Policy, the authors pilot the water diaries method in Kitui, Kenya and evaluate its measurement, internal and external validity.