This study explores the delayed policy response to the arsenic crisis in Bangladesh through comparison with water contamination crises in other contexts (incl. included Escherichia coli O157:H7 and Campylobacter in Walkerton, Canada; lead and Legionella in Flint, Michigan, USA; and chromium-6 contamination in Hinkley, California, USA).
Enhancing climate resilience of water, sanitation & hygiene services in healthcare facilities in Kenya
This Story of Change shares findings and implications from a pilot study ran by FundiFix in 12 Health Care Facilities in Kitui, Kenya to test how a professional service delivery model could be applied to HCFs to deliver safe water and soap reliably.
Improving management of intermittent piped water systems in Ethiopian small towns
Based on long-term research engagement in Wukro, Tigray, this brief presents three recommendations for inclusive water services in intermittent piped water systems in small towns in Ethiopia.
Story of Change: The SafePani model: Delivering safe drinking water in schools and healthcare centres in Bangladesh
This Story of Change presents the SafePani model in Bangladesh which aims to reform existing institutional design and move towards a professional water service delivery model, with timely and independently verified performance metrics unlocking results-based funding, with a focus on schools and healthcare centres.
SafePani: Improving drinking water safety for schools and healthcare centres in Khulna district, Bangladesh
The SafePani model uses a professional water service provider operating with a Water Safety Plan (WSP) approach to improve drinking water safety in schools and healthcare centres in Khulna district, Bangladesh. This brief sets out how the WSP approach is incorporated in the SafePani model.
Cost estimates for safe drinking water in schools and healthcare centres in Khulna District, Bangladesh
This brief provides an estimation of the annual costs of professional water services for 1,700 primary and secondary schools and 300 healthcare centres in Bangladesh’s Khulna district, based on observed data from a pilot in 171 schools and 33 healthcare centres in eight unions.
Valley formation aridifies East Africa and elevates Congo Basin rainfall
Published in Nature, this study uncovers how east-west river valleys direct millions of tonnes of water vapour from the Indian Ocean away from East Africa and towards the Congo rainforest, and, in doing so, limit East African rainfall.
Water Services Maintenance Trust Fund Impact Report, 2016-2021
The Water Services Maintenance Trust Fund has tested a professional service delivery model in two counties and attracted new sources of results-based funds to guarantee water services in rural communities. Water users pay an affordable share of the costs to guarantee repairs are completed in a few days rather than weeks or months. This summary reports some of the impacts from maintaining rural handpumps and small piped systems.
Costs and benefits of improving water and sanitation in slums and non-slum neighborhoods in Dhaka, a fast-growing mega-city
This paper presents the results of a large-scale survey focusing on slum and non-slum residents’ experiences with urban water supply, water pollution and flood risks and associated costs of illness (COI).
Participatory water resource management
A para-hydrology initiative in two regions of Ethiopia trained citizen scientists to collect quantitative data on rural hydrological systems. The data has been successfully used in several peer-reviewed studies to predict and assess the impact of sustainable land management interventions.