Shabana Abbas
Junior Programme Manager, Aqua for All
Shabana Abbas is Junior Programme Manager for the VIA Water programme at Aqua for All, a non-profit organisation based in the Hague, Netherlands. The programme is funded by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs and aims to support innovative ideas and solutions to pressing water-related needs in cities of seven African countries. Shabana has an MSc in Environmental Planning and Management.
Colin Brown
Advisor to the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the human right to safe drinking water and sanitation, Oswaldo Cruz Foundation
Colin has experience working on research projects related to water supply and sanitation services in rural Brazilian communities. He has a Master’s degree in Social and Human Sciences with a specialisation in Environmental Policies and Social Practices.
Bonguen Onouck Rolane Carole
Assistant, Ministry of Environment, Protection of Nature and Sustainable Development, Cameroon
Bonguen is interested in sustainable water availability in developing countries and transboundary water resources management. She has an academic background in law, strategic studies and political science.
Tyler Farrow
International Programme Officer, Water Witness International
Tyler is a specialist in novel water security interventions including social accountability monitoring and private sector water stewardship, and sits on the Technical Committee of the Alliance for the Water Stewardship. He has an MSc in Water Security and International Development.
Dr Animesh Kumar Gain
Research Fellow, GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences
Animesh has expertise in the interdisciplinary field of water resources management including water security, the water-energy-food (WEF) security nexus and climate change adaptation. He has an MSc in Water Resources Development and a PhD on ‘science and management of climate change’.
Eyassu Guta
Technical and Program Support Officer, Ministry of Water, Irrigation and Electricity, Ethiopia
Eyassu is a Soil and Water Conservation Engineer providing technical support to the Water Sector Working Group Secretariat in Ethiopia’s Ministry of Water, Irrigation and Electricity. In his current role he has supported the development of an integrated water resource management framework, the national urban sanitation strategy, the water sector disaster risk management strategy, and a manual for accelerating self supply.
Dr Stephen Jones (Co-Chair)
Director of DRC WASH Consortium, Concern Worldwide
Stephen is a WASH specialist with experience across programme management, technical advice, policy analysis and applied research. He currently directs the DRC WASH Consortium, a £30m DFID-funded rural WASH programme of five INGOs in DRC. He has a PhD on the sustainability and financing of rural water supplies in Mali.
Euphresia Luseka
WASH Governance Specialist, USAID – KIWASH Project, contracted by DAI
Euphresia is a social entrepreneur in the WASH sector specialising in the institutional strengthening of water utilities in both urban and rural areas. She currently works for the Kenya—Integrated Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene Project (KIWASH). She has an MSc in Education for Sustainability and a BSc in Environmental Studies and Community Development.
Dr Scott Moore
Young Professional, World Bank Group
Scott is a political scientist whose research focuses on environmental politics and policy reform, especially related to climate change and water scarcity. He currently works at the World Bank’s Water Global Practice, primarily on transboundary water security and climate change in East and South Asia. Scott holds a PhD in Politics and an MSc in Environmental Change and Management.
Dr Edema Ojomo (Co-Chair)
Postdoctoral Researcher, University of North Carolina and Chapel Hill
Edema’s expertise is in evaluating and shaping the enabling environment for WASH programmes. She works on public health projects and conducts research related to WASH with a focus on low-income countries. Edema has degrees in Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Environmental Sciences and Engineering.
Dr Angela Renata Cordeiro Ortigara
Programme Officer, UNESCO World Water Assessment Programme
Angela contributes to the production of UNESCO’s World Water Development Reports and has recently coordinated the Capacity Building Programme on Water and Sustainable Development. She holds a PhD in Environmental Engineering and has expertise in wastewater management and the linkages between water use and sustainable development.
Ounheuan Saiyasith
Senior Program Officer for Water Resources, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Australia
Ounheuan has a Master’s degree in International Development focusing on livelihoods adaptation, rural development and resettlement in Laos. Currently, he is based in Laos working on water resources management in river basins of mainland south-east Asia.
Daniel Shemie
Strategy Director for Water Funds, The Nature Conservancy
Daniel serves as Strategy Director for Water Funds at The Nature Conservancy. In this role, he manages efforts to accelerate the adoption and financing of natural infrastructure in water supply. Before joining the Conservancy, Daniel was a partner at mWater, a non-profit that develops mobile water monitoring technology. He has an MSc in Water Science, Policy and Management.
Lyliose Umupfasoni
Independent consultant, Experts D’afrique
Lyliose holds a bachelor’s degree in Soil and Environment Management, and is currently pursuing a Master’s programme (MBA) in Leadership and Sustainability. She has experience in environment, and water and sanitation development activities, mainly focusing on policy development, law formulation, planning, and monitoring and evaluation. Lyliose recently worked as a Program Officer for the African Ministers’ Council on Water (AMCOW).
Dr Wultetawu Abera Worku
Postdoctoral Researcher, Trento University
Wuletawu has a PhD in Environmental Engineering and expertise in water budget modelling, hydrological modelling, eco-hydrology, hydro-geomorphology, remote sensing and GIS for hydrological applications. His research aims to improve estimations of all the water budget components (precipitation, evapotranspiration, runoff and discharge) and error quantification of the estimation procedures.