Are you interested in water security, water quality and climate resilience? REACH is currently advertising three research roles joining Dr Katrina Charles’ water quality team. Application deadline: 15 April.
ECR Feature | Groundwater is a vital invisible resource – to use it, we need to better understand it and make it visible
Early Career Researcher Florence Tanui, Ph.D. Fellow in Geology at the University of Nairobi, shares key insights from the groundwater research she has been leading in Lodwar, Kenya, as part of REACH.
What we know, don’t know and need to know about future East African Climate | 4 September cross-project meeting
On 4 September, REACH hosted a collaborative meeting on East-African climate, in collaboration with AfricanSWIFT, the IMPALA and HyCristal FCFA projects. Here’s a summary from the meetings and key messages from ECRs.
What we’ve learned from Kenya’s pastoralist women about the drivers and consequences of water insecurity
Nancy Balfour shares key findings from the research she has been leading over the past three years on the links between women empowerment and water insecurity for Kenyan pastoralist women.
Building capacity for climate resilient WASH
Dr Katrina Charles discusses the importance of integrating climate change within any decisions around water and sanitation for building resilience in the context of worsening climate change.
REACH Early-Career Researcher Feature: Improving water security for the rural poor in fragile environments
Cliff Nyaga, Research Manager for REACH in the Kitui Observatory (University of Oxford), discusses how his research aims to address the water services maintenance gap in rural Kenya.
Toward a hybrid approach to water law in Africa
A new study, led by IWMI and the Pegasys Institute and funded by REACH through an Accelerated grant, explains the state of water permitting in sub-Saharan Africa and proposes a hybrid approach to water law as the way forward.
Coping with water scarcity in the Turkwel river basin, Kenya
In a recent open access paper published in the Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies by Hirpa et al., the authors examine the drivers of water scarcity in Kenya’s Turkwel river basin, and comment on the implications for water resources planning and development.
Three grants awarded to explore inequalities, gender and marginalisation issues in Bangladesh, Ethiopia and Kenya
A total of £150,000 in REACH funding was awarded to teams in each county to co-build knowledge on socio-economic inequalities and marginalisation issues, with a focus on gender and disability.
Are you responsible for universal, safe, sufficient, affordable & equitable water services?
A new article published by Johanna Koehler in Geoforum presents novel insights into Kenya’s devolution and water service reform drawing on perceptions by all devolved county water ministries.