On October 27th, REACH Kenya welcomed Cabinet Secretary of the Ministry of Water, Sanitation and Irrigation, Hon. Zachariah Njeru, as the opening speaker at the National Stakeholder Forum on Climate Resilience and Water Security. Governors from Kitui, Marsabit...
Invisibility of the most vulnerable people in water and WASH? – Advancing the Agenda to Leave No One Behind
Extremely vulnerable people are invisible to the broader community and policymakers. They rely on water care from a few, though their basic water needs are not met. This is a challenge that needs to be addressed for truly universal WASH policy design and implementation. Dr Marina Korsenevica shares reflections from the REACH conference panel session on care and dependencies…
Recordings from the REACH International conference 20-22 September now available
The REACH conference "Within REACH: A Water Secure World" took place at Oxford's Sheldonian Theatre and Examination Schools from 20th to 22nd September 2023. An inclusive range of speakers - 50% women, 50% speakers from Africa and Asia, 1/3 early career researchers -...
What can the rural water sector learn from francophone West Africa?
Meleesa Naughton Many countries are looking to expand rural water services and improve service levels for people living in small towns and rural areas by investing in small, decentralised piped water services. Francophone West Africa has a long history of delegating...
We are failing to deliver safe drinking water globally – what needs to change?
Uptime has designed and implemented contracts for results-based payments that incentivise reliability of water services through standardised volume and revenue metrics. We present new metrics, building on REACH research, to further incentivise water safety actions by service providers to deliver safer drinking water in small water systems that will be piloted in 2024.
Universal access to quality healthcare: getting the fundamentals right with safe WASH services
Dr Li Ann Ong, University of Oxford First, do no harm: our moral obligation is to provide a safe healthcare environment. My motivation to work on WASH in healthcare facilities (HCFs) stems from my past career as a critical care doctor, working in diverse resource...
2 billion people without safe drinking water: What’s behind the number and how do we get to universal access?
Professor Katrina Charles, REACH Co-Director, University of Oxford With all the information coming out of the UN-Water Conference this week, and the commitments to the Water Action agenda, there are a lot of statistics flying around about the status of access to...
The UN Water Conference is a rare window of opportunity
The UN will host the second global water conference in New York on 22-24 March, over forty years after the first gathering in Argentina in 1977. It begs the questions: why so long? And, what can this event hope to deliver?
SafePani: A new model to secure safe drinking water for school children in coastal Bangladesh
Dr Sonia Ferdous Hoque, University of Oxford One out of seven schools in Bangladesh’s Khulna district does not have a safe source of drinking water on premises. For those that have a waterpoint - usually a tubewell or rainwater harvesting system - the safety and...
Improving water security, reducing inequalities
As we mark World Water Day 2022, REACH is posting a series of new resources featuring work to improve water security in schools, health care facilities and households. Read more below to find out more.