This study identifies spatial variability of relationships, and interactions, that offer additional information to support development of seasonal forecasting.
Research theme
Kenyan long rains: a sub-seasonal approach to process-based diagnostics
This article focuses on the Kenyan regional climate in the ERA-Interim reanalysis during the long rains to create a set of atmospheric diagnostics which can be applied to the evaluation of climate models.
Monitoring socio-climatic interactions to prioritise drinking water interventions in rural Africa
This study examines the year-onyear and seasonal relationship between rainfall and remotely monitored water usage from rural piped schemes in four sub-Saharan countries to identify patterns that warn of a threat to operational sustainability.
Regional-scale interactions between groundwater and surface water under changing aridity: evidence from the River Awash Basin, Ethiopia
This article characterises regional-scale surface water–groundwater interactions in the River Awash Basin (110 000 km2) of Ethiopia.
African low‐level jets and their importance for water vapor transport and rainfall
This research contributes to our understanding of possible future changes to African rainfall, by assessing how water vapour travels from the Indian Ocean into the African interior.
Impacts of Climate Change and Population Growth on River Nutrient Loads in a Data Scarce Region: The Upper Awash River (Ethiopia)
This research proposes a model-based approach, using both global datasets and local data to build an evaluation of the potential impact of climate changes and population growth, using Ethiopia’s upper Awash Basin as a case study. The authors verify the efficiency of mitigation measures to curb river water pollution.
The utility of Escherichia coli as a contamination indicator for rural drinking water: Evidence from whole genome sequencing
In this study used whole genome sequencing to investigate the links between E. coli and recent faecal contamination in drinking water.
Institutional pluralism and water user behavior in rural Africa
This research examines water user behavior in the face of institutional change brought about by a professional service provider maintaining rural water infrastructure in Kenya.
Citizen science in community-based watershed management: An institutional analysis in Ethiopia
This study examines the existing institutional arrangements for hydrometeorological monitoring and the practices followed by the Basin Development Authority and the National Meteorology Agency in Ethiopia.
From data to decisions: understanding information flows within regulatory water quality monitoring programs
This study evaluates the methods used to organize, analyze, and transmit drinking water quality data among 26 water supplier or surveillance institutions and two regulatory agencies in six countries of sub-Saharan Africa.