This study explores the meanings of women’s empowerment in the WASH sector from the perspective of local stakeholders in the Asutifi North District, Ghana.
Published Article
Geomorphic change in the Ganges– Brahmaputra–Meghna delta
More than 70% of large deltas are under threat from rising sea levels, subsidence and anthropogenic interferences, including the Ganges–Brahmaputra–Meghna (GBM) delta, the Earth’s largest and most populous delta system. This review describes GBM delta dynamics, examining these changes through the Drivers– Pressures–States–Impacts–Responses framework.
Individual choices and universal rights for drinking water in rural Africa
This paper seeks to understand which attributes of water services rural people value. The authors modelled more than 11,000 choice observations in rural Kenya by attributes of drinking water quality, price, reliability, and proximity.
River pollution and social inequalities in Dhaka, Bangladesh
This study seeks to understand the socio-spatial and seasonal inequalities in pollution risks in Dhaka, Bangladesh. The authors designed a direct observation method to record people’s daily river use activities across dry and wet seasons, complemented by monthly monitoring of river water quality, heavy metal and biotoxicity assessment a large-scale household survey along a 25km stretch of the Turag River and Tongi Khal in Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Engaging with the politics of climate resilience towards clean water and sanitation for all
In this article, world-leading water specialists from academic and practitioner communities reflect on, and share examples of, the importance of keeping people and politics at the centre of work on climate resilient water security.
Optimizing rural drinking water supply infrastructure to account for spatial variations in groundwater quality and household welfare in Coastal Bangladesh
This study examines decision-making to invest in drinking water infrastructure in coastal Bangladesh, where increasing saline intrusion in aquifers intersects with high levels of poverty for the 20 million people living in the coastal region
Exploring water access in rural Kenya: narratives of social capital, gender inequalities and household water security in Kitui county
This study uses qualitative methods to examine how values embedded in social capital enable women and vulnerable groups in Kenya’s Kitui County, to cope with household water insecurity.
Natural and anthropogenic sources of salinity in the Awash River and Lake Beseka (Ethiopia): Modelling impacts of climate change and lake-river interactions
This study simulated chloride concentration in Ethioia’s Awash River Basin by taking both natural and anthropogenic sources of salinity into consideration. Future scenarios of climate change and Lake Beseka discharge were examined to assess the impact to the river water quality.
A New Multibranch Model for Metals in River Systems: Impacts and Control of Tannery Wastes in Bangladesh
A new multibranch INCA-Metals model has been developed to simulate the impact of tannery discharges on river systems and to evaluate a set of treatment scenarios for pollution control, particularly in the dry season.
The Role of Psychological Ownership in Safe Water Management: A Mixed-Methods Study in Nepal
This study highlights the potential of psychological ownership and community participation for the longevity of community-based safe water infrastructure.