The water diaries method consists of collecting comprehensive evidence on daily sources, uses, cost and sufficiency of water, along with weekly household expenditures. In this paper, published in Water Policy, the authors pilot the water diaries method in Kitui, Kenya and evaluate its measurement, internal and external validity.
Published Article
Exploring policy perceptions and responsibility of devolved decision-making for water service delivery in Kenya’s 47 county governments
This paper examines whether devolution to Kenya’s 47 counties advances the constitutional mandate for the human right to water. The author draws on interviews from all county water ministries to develop and test a sociopolitical risk model leveraging public choice theory.
Restoring water quality in the polluted Turag-Tongi-Balu river system, Dhaka: Modelling nutrient and total coliform intervention strategies
In this paper published in Science of the Total Environment, the authors use a model to assess the water quality of the Turag-Balu river system in Bangladesh, and explore scenarios to clean up the system.
The distributional and multi-sectoral impacts of rainfall shocks: Evidence from computable general equilibrium modelling for the Awash Basin, Ethiopia
In this paper published in Ecological Economics, the authors analyse the multi-sectoral and distributional economic impacts of rainfall shocks in the Awash river basin in Ethiopia.
Valuing water for sustainable development
Achieving universal, safely managed water and sanitation services by 2030 is projected to cost $114 billion per year. This Policy Forum published in Science addresses how we need to rethink the way we value and manage water for sustainable development.
Avoiding the water-poverty trap: Insights from a conceptual human water dynamical model for Coastal Bangladesh
In this study, the authors use water modelling to examine the dynamics between water related risks and poverty for an embanked area in coastal Bangladesh.
Water security, risk, and economic growth: Insights from a dynamical systems model
Authors: Simon Dadson, Jim W. Hall, Dustin Garrick, Claudia Sadoff, David Grey, Dale Whittington Investments in the physical infrastructure, human capital, and institutions needed for water resources management have been noteworthy in the development of most...