A new multibranch INCA-Metals model has been developed to simulate the impact of tannery discharges on river systems and to evaluate a set of treatment scenarios for pollution control, particularly in the dry season.
COVID-19 Impacts on Water Burden among Households in Turkana
This study assessed respondents’ views on the impact of the pandemic on water security and its burden on households in Turkana County, Kenya.
Guidance on Preparing Water Service Delivery Plans: A manual for small to medium-sized water utilities in Africa and similar settings
This manual is a guide on how to prepare a service delivery plan for small to medium-sized water utilities (supplying approximately 5,000 to more than 100,000 customers) in Africa and similar settings.
The Role of Psychological Ownership in Safe Water Management: A Mixed-Methods Study in Nepal
This study highlights the potential of psychological ownership and community participation for the longevity of community-based safe water infrastructure.
Delivering safely managed water to schools in Kenya
This report presents the status of school WASH services in Kitui County and makes policy recommendations to guide new thinking on the delivery of safely-managed water services.
Potential predictability of the Ethiopian summer rains: Understanding local variations and their implications for water management decisions
This study identifies spatial variability of relationships, and interactions, that offer additional information to support development of seasonal forecasting.
Kenyan long rains: a sub-seasonal approach to process-based diagnostics
This article focuses on the Kenyan regional climate in the ERA-Interim reanalysis during the long rains to create a set of atmospheric diagnostics which can be applied to the evaluation of climate models.
Monitoring socio-climatic interactions to prioritise drinking water interventions in rural Africa
This study examines the year-onyear and seasonal relationship between rainfall and remotely monitored water usage from rural piped schemes in four sub-Saharan countries to identify patterns that warn of a threat to operational sustainability.
Regional-scale interactions between groundwater and surface water under changing aridity: evidence from the River Awash Basin, Ethiopia
This article characterises regional-scale surface water–groundwater interactions in the River Awash Basin (110 000 km2) of Ethiopia.
African low‐level jets and their importance for water vapor transport and rainfall
This research contributes to our understanding of possible future changes to African rainfall, by assessing how water vapour travels from the Indian Ocean into the African interior.