As the Government sets out to revise the 1998 National Policy for Safe Water Supply and Sanitation, the ‘SafePani’ model proposes reforms in institutional design, sustainable finance, and information systems, to advance SDG 6.1.
Climate Resilience
Policy reform for safe drinking water service delivery in rural Bangladesh (policy brief)
This policy brief presents the SafePani model, a new institutional framework for rural water service delivery in Bangladesh.
Impact of Natural and Anthropogenic Stresses on Surface and Groundwater Supply Sources of the Upper Awash Sub-Basin, Central Ethiopia
A WEAP/MODFLOW model was used to evaluate the impacts of population growth, leakage, expansion of surface and groundwater supply schemes, and climate change scenarios up to the year 2030.
Potential predictability of the Ethiopian summer rains: Understanding local variations and their implications for water management decisions
This study identifies spatial variability of relationships, and interactions, that offer additional information to support development of seasonal forecasting.
Kenyan long rains: a sub-seasonal approach to process-based diagnostics
This article focuses on the Kenyan regional climate in the ERA-Interim reanalysis during the long rains to create a set of atmospheric diagnostics which can be applied to the evaluation of climate models.
Monitoring socio-climatic interactions to prioritise drinking water interventions in rural Africa
This study examines the year-onyear and seasonal relationship between rainfall and remotely monitored water usage from rural piped schemes in four sub-Saharan countries to identify patterns that warn of a threat to operational sustainability.
African low‐level jets and their importance for water vapor transport and rainfall
This research contributes to our understanding of possible future changes to African rainfall, by assessing how water vapour travels from the Indian Ocean into the African interior.
Impacts of Climate Change and Population Growth on River Nutrient Loads in a Data Scarce Region: The Upper Awash River (Ethiopia)
This research proposes a model-based approach, using both global datasets and local data to build an evaluation of the potential impact of climate changes and population growth, using Ethiopia’s upper Awash Basin as a case study. The authors verify the efficiency of mitigation measures to curb river water pollution.
Citizen science in community-based watershed management: An institutional analysis in Ethiopia
This study examines the existing institutional arrangements for hydrometeorological monitoring and the practices followed by the Basin Development Authority and the National Meteorology Agency in Ethiopia.
Contrasting development trajectories for coastal Bangladesh to the end of century
This research applies an integrated assessment model to the south-west coastal zone of Bangladesh to explore the outcomes of four contrasting and plausible development trajectories under different climate and socio-economic scenarios.