Following a REACH High-Level Symposium in Dhaka on 12 April, Dr Rob Hope, Prof Mashfiqus Salehin and Dara Johnston reflect on how the REACH programme is advancing work in collaboration with government, practice and private sector stakeholders to deliver water security for the poor.
Water quality
Water for Sustainable Development: what can we hope for the coming decade?
For World Water Day, our directors reflect on how REACH will contribute to the International Decade for Action on Water for Sustainable Development through our work on managing the water quality trade-offs associated with industrialisation and urbanisation.
In search of acceptable, accessible and affordable drinking water services – A tale of households in coastal Bangladesh
Following a visit in Khulna District, Bangladesh, Dr Sonia Hoque reflects on the diversity of drinking water services and risks in Polder 29, and their implications for water security.
Challenges and opportunities to achieve ‘safely managed’ drinking water in rural Bangladesh
A water audit was conducted in 2017 in Chandpur and Comilla Districts, Bangladesh, exploring issues relating to water access, affordability, reliability and safety, in support of national strategies to achieve safe water for all.