REACH researchers find that the future of Ethiopia’s Awash basin will be hotter, drier and more water scarce – which could have serious consequences for people and the economy. Developing climate-resilient policies will be critical to ensure a prosperous and sustainable future for all.
REACH at the World Water Week (25-30 Aug) in Stockholm
REACH will be participating again in the annual World Water Week conference in Stockholm (25-30 August), themed around “Water for Society – Including all.” Here’s a summary of the sessions with a REACH presence, and our time slots in the exhibition area.
27-29 March | REACH Conference on Water Security and Poverty
On 27-29 March 2019 REACH is hosting an International Conference on Water Security and Poverty in Oxford, convene leading policy makers, practitioners and scientists to discuss key findings from REACH and continue to shape major academic, policy and practice debates around water security and poverty.
‘Smart Handpumps’ research is the overall winner of the Vice Chancellor’s Innovation Award
Oxford’s Smart Handpumps’ research has been selected as the overall winner in the University’s inaugural Vice Chancellor’s Innovation Awards, and also won the category for impact in building capacity.
Three grants awarded to explore inequalities, gender and marginalisation issues in Bangladesh, Ethiopia and Kenya
A total of £150,000 in REACH funding was awarded to teams in each county to co-build knowledge on socio-economic inequalities and marginalisation issues, with a focus on gender and disability.
WSUP-REACH Research call: £80,000 available to explore attitudes to urban river pollution in Bangladesh
REACH and the WSUP-led Urban Sanitation Research Initiative are jointly commissioning a 12-months research project to explore citizen and decision-maker attitudes to water pollution in Bangladeshi cities.
Call for applications: £150,000 available for researchers to Explore Inequalities in Bangladesh, Ethiopia and Kenya
We are launching a call for applications for studies ‘Exploring Inequalities’ in three of our eight REACH Observatories: Dhaka (Bangladesh), Wukro (Ethiopia), and Kitui (Kenya).
Five grants awarded to REACH Catalyst projects to expand their work in Africa and Asia
Over £796,000 in REACH funding has been awarded to five Catalyst projects to expand their work and continue to contribute to the REACH programme’s aim to improve water security for five million poor people.
Call for proposals: £60,000 Fellowship to help us deliver water security in Ethiopia
Are you looking for an opportunity to develop your academic career in water security and contribute to the REACH programme?
Handpump vibrations could help secure water for millions of people in Africa
Shallow groundwater levels can be estimated by monitoring the up-and-down movement of handpumps, Oxford University researchers have discovered.