REACH Director Dr Rob Hope and Co-Director Dr Katrina Charles will be at World Water Week in Stockholm, Sweden on 23-28 August 2015. Come and meet them to find out more about the programme at the Oxford University booth.
Water for agriculture: managing the land and rains in the Ethiopian highlands
Reflecting on a diagnostic field visit to Ethiopia, Andrew Dansie’s blog draws attention to the role of water storage, agriculture, and land use in water security and rural livelihoods.
First country visits identify water challenges and research needs
REACH Programme Director, Dr Rob Hope, has been meeting with country partners and identifying potential Water Security Observatories in Kenya, Ethiopia and Bangladesh.
Oxford University and UK Government to lead research to improve global water supply
A global research project led by the University of Oxford and backed by the British Government will help millions of people in Africa and South Asia to have reliable access to water.