
How far has devolution come in Kenya?

Kenya’s political system is transforming under devolution. But what does this mean for drinking water security and will the poor be better or worse off? Johanna Koehler reports back from the Third Annual Devolution Conference.

Securing water through intelligent cloud computing

Our researchers are using cloud computing and mobile sensors to monitor groundwater and help ensure that thousands of villages in rural Africa and Asia have a safe, secure supply of water.

Can a rural handpump tell you it’s not well?

By monitoring the heartbeat of thousands of handpumps across Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia, it is possible to give millions of people access to a reliable and secure water supply.

Bridging the gap: water infrastructure

Of the many conditions necessary for sustainable water security, few rank more highly than the availability of infrastructure for abstraction, storage, treatment and distribution. But there is an unbridged gap between water infrastructure and investment.

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