Sabrina Zaman, an MPhil student at the Institute of Disaster Management and Vulnerability Studies, University of Dhaka, shares insights from her REACH research looking at the impacts of water insecurity on women in coastal Bangladesh.
Towards establishing a ‘risk threshold’ in the Awash river basin, Ethiopia: Part II
The lower part of Ethiopia’s Awash Basin is characterised by low rainfall and chronic water variability. In this blog entry Dr Catherine Grasham discusses how water related risks vary within communities of the lower Awash, and how they compare to the risks experienced in the upper part of the basin.
Exploring water vulnerabilities in Wukro, a growing small town in Northern Ethiopia
Following from a visit in Wukro, Northern Ethiopia with a team from Mekelle University leading the Exploring Inequalities grants in Wukro, Dr Marina Korzenevica-Proud critically reflects on some of the challenges to providing affordable and equitable water access in the small – yet growing – town.
Why getting ‘water affordability’ right matters – and how water diaries can be of help
Measuring the “affordability” of water presents a veritable methodological challenge especially in areas where households have complex water use behaviours. Dr Sonia Hoque presents the water diary method successfully piloted in Kitui in 2017, and now expanding to Bangladesh and Ethiopia.
Are you responsible for universal, safe, sufficient, affordable & equitable water services?
A new article published by Johanna Koehler in Geoforum presents novel insights into Kenya’s devolution and water service reform drawing on perceptions by all devolved county water ministries.
Water for Sustainable Development: what can we hope for the coming decade?
For World Water Day, our directors reflect on how REACH will contribute to the International Decade for Action on Water for Sustainable Development through our work on managing the water quality trade-offs associated with industrialisation and urbanisation.
In search of acceptable, accessible and affordable drinking water services – A tale of households in coastal Bangladesh
Following a visit in Khulna District, Bangladesh, Dr Sonia Hoque reflects on the diversity of drinking water services and risks in Polder 29, and their implications for water security.
Beyond climate-proofing – considering gender implications of water insecurity in Burkina Faso
Research in Burkina Faso, as part of a REACH Catalyst grant, explores the gender dimensions of vulnerability and adaptation to water insecurity and long term climatic changes.
Too much, too little: the economic impacts of rainfall availability and variability on the Awash basin
A new study published in Ecological Economics, assesses the economic impacts of rainfall shocks on agriculture, industrial and services sectors and on households in Ethiopia’s Awash basin.
Towards establishing a ‘risk threshold’ in the Awash river basin, Ethiopia | Part I
Following a visit in the Awash basin in November 2017, Dr Catherine Grasham reflects on what ‘water risk’ means to different water users in the basin.