Cliff Nyaga, Research Manager for REACH in the Kitui Observatory (University of Oxford), discusses how his research aims to address the water services maintenance gap in rural Kenya.
Making small-scale irrigation work for women
A new REACH toolkit from the International Food Policy Research Institute provides guidance for policymakers and project managers involved in planning and evaluating irrigation projects to include women.
Toward a hybrid approach to water law in Africa
A new study, led by IWMI and the Pegasys Institute and funded by REACH through an Accelerated grant, explains the state of water permitting in sub-Saharan Africa and proposes a hybrid approach to water law as the way forward.
Coping with water scarcity in the Turkwel river basin, Kenya
In a recent open access paper published in the Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies by Hirpa et al., the authors examine the drivers of water scarcity in Kenya’s Turkwel river basin, and comment on the implications for water resources planning and development.
Towards establishing a ‘risk threshold’ in the Awash river basin, Ethiopia: Part II
The lower part of Ethiopia’s Awash Basin is characterised by low rainfall and chronic water variability. In this blog entry Dr Catherine Grasham discusses how water related risks vary within communities of the lower Awash, and how they compare to the risks experienced in the upper part of the basin.
Advancing climate resilient water services in Wukro, Ethiopia
Wukro is a growing small town in Northern Ethiopia faced with seasonal rainfall and an increasing water demand. Dr Taye and Dr Charles discuss the role of Climate Resilient Water Safety Plans in integrating water quality and quantity, and building the resilience of water systems to future changes.
Exploring water vulnerabilities in Wukro, a growing small town in Northern Ethiopia
Following from a visit in Wukro, Northern Ethiopia with a team from Mekelle University leading the Exploring Inequalities grants in Wukro, Dr Marina Korzenevica-Proud critically reflects on some of the challenges to providing affordable and equitable water access in the small – yet growing – town.
Why getting ‘water affordability’ right matters – and how water diaries can be of help
Measuring the “affordability” of water presents a veritable methodological challenge especially in areas where households have complex water use behaviours. Dr Sonia Hoque presents the water diary method successfully piloted in Kitui in 2017, and now expanding to Bangladesh and Ethiopia.
Are you responsible for universal, safe, sufficient, affordable & equitable water services?
A new article published by Johanna Koehler in Geoforum presents novel insights into Kenya’s devolution and water service reform drawing on perceptions by all devolved county water ministries.
How the REACH programme is working to achieve impact
On 19 April 2018, Dr Catherine Grasham presented at the Social Sciences and Impact Conference in the University of Oxford. She shares insights on what impact and research uptake mean for the REACH programme, in particular in her work in Ethiopia.