Improving water security for the poor

Improving water security through Sustainable Land Management
Over 85% of the land in Ethiopia is estimated to be moderately to severely degraded at an estimated cost of $4.3 billion annually. Work led by the Water and Land Resource Centre since 2012 demonstrates that land degradation can be effectively reduced and land restored over a relatively quick period through integrated sustainable land management (SLM) investments and practices.
REACH’s work in the Fragile Environments Observatory, through the collaboration between WLRC, the University of Oxford, IFPRI and IRC since 2015, has been investigating the role of SLM activities in securing water for livelihoods and household use. The research has provided key insights around benefits for small holder farmers, while highlighting challenges in terms of gendered uptake and water quality. These learnings are shaping regional and national level agendas on land restoration, leading to improvements in rural and urban areas.
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