
Performances et perspectives des services d’eau potable en milieu rural en Afrique de l’Ouest francophone

Cette étude porte sur l’évolution des politiques d’approvisionnement en eau potable (AEP) en milieu rural en Afrique de l’Ouest francophone et sur les performances de la délégation des services d’eau en milieu rural. Dans de nombreux pays, il existe un fossé entre la théorie et la pratique, avec des modèles alternatifs de fourniture de services d’eau en milieu rural coexistant avec des arrangements informels, alors que les services auraient dû être délégués.

Performance and prospects of rural drinking water services in francophone West Africa

This study looks at the evolution of rural water supply policies in francophone West Africa and the performance of the delegation of rural water services. In many countries there is a gap between theory and practice, with alternative models for rural water services delivery co-existing with informal arrangements, where services should have been delegated.

Incentivizing clean water collection during rainfall to reduce disease in rural sub-Saharan Africa with weather dependent pricing

This article proposes a new pricing mechanism for ‘water ATMs’, made possible with pre-payment and remote sensing, where prices adjust during rainy seasons to incentivise the continued use of clean water sources. The authors estimate cost per capita and cost per disability-adjusted life year averted, resulting in values which compare favourably with other water quality interventions.

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