Policy brief

Sustainable management of sedimentation risks in coastal rivers in Southwest Bangladesh: Findings from REACH Khulna Observatory

This REACH policy brief presents recommendations for sustainable sedimentation management in the coastal rivers of Southwest Bangladesh. Working with the Bangladesh Water Development Board and using data from a comprehensive measurement campaign in the Hari-Ghengrail-Sibsa river system, we argue systems-wide management approaches will lead to more effective and sustainable solutions.

Investing in professionalized maintenance to increase social and economic returns from drinking water infrastructure in rural Kenya

This policy brief is based on 10 years of research in Kitui County, Kenya, supported by the REACH programme, the USAID Sustainable WASH Systems Learning Partnership, UNICEF, ESRC and UKAID. It finds the investment case for professionalized maintenance of drinking water infrastructure becomes compelling when factoring in wider social and economic returns.

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