
Can solar water kiosks generate sustainable revenue streams for rural water services?

This study explores how upgrading water supply infrastructure influences user behaviour in rural Mali by modelling changes in revenue and volumetric water use when handpumps are upgraded to solar kiosks. Average monthly revenue is four times higher with solar kiosks, whilst payment collections increased and remained stable after upgrading handpumps to solar kiosks.

Is volumetric pricing for drinking water an effective revenue strategy in rural Mali?

This paper is based on an analysis of over 4,000 months of handpump revenue data in Mali, exploring the effect on revenue and usage when a water service switches from a volumetric tariff to a monthly flat fee. The switch from volumetric to flat fees led to three times more monthly revenue, although a subsidy gap persists. Flat fees and higher temperatures were linked to higher water usage, offering insights into the role of professional service delivery models to support climate-resilient and reliable drinking water supplies for rural communities.

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