
Resolving the Turkana Jet—Impact of Model Resolution in Simulating Channel Flow and Inversions

The Turkana Jet plays a pivotal role in the meteorology of East Africa and owes its existence to both large-scale dynamics and the representation of intricate local-scale processes. However, much of our understanding of the jet relies on reanalysis, and these along with climate models that produce important projections do not represent these local-scale processes. This study systematically investigates the impact of changing model horizontal and vertical resolution in simulating the Turkana Jet, and associated local and large-scale processes.

Unbundling water and land rights in Kilifi County, Kenya a gender perspective

Feminist scholars have highlighted the importance of women’s land rights, and irrigation studies have explored the gendered relationships between land and water rights. However, less research has been conducted which assesses the relationship between water and land rights for domestic and productive purposes. Therefore, by collating community profiles, focus group discussions, interviews and survey data, this study explores women’s rights to land and water within rural communities in Kilifi County, Kenya. It provides interesting insight into the dynamics and negotiations of water access, including the social networks that affect how water transactions take place.

Hydrologic Extremes in a Changing Climate: a Review of Extremes in East Africa

This review presents recent research on drivers and typologies of climate extremes across different East African geographies. Droughts and floods remain the major challenges of the region. There are improvements in forecasting these extremes, but further research is required to improve understanding of key drivers and improve information provision for risk-based decision-making.

The Turkana Jet diurnal cycle in observations and reanalysis

The Turkana Jet is an equatorial low-level jet (LLJ) in East Africa, which influences both flooding and droughts. Much of what we know about the jet, including the characteristics of its diurnal cycle, derives from reanalysis simulations which are not constrained by radiosonde observations in the region. Reflecting on a field campaign from March-April 2021, this report provides new insight into the characteristics of the Turkana Jet.

Story of Change: Turkana Jet research unlocks new understanding of East African droughts

The strength of the Turkana Jet – a wind feature which carries water vapour from the Indian Ocean across East Africa to Central Africa – is underestimated in current weather and climate models. New observations of the jet by researchers from the Kenya Met Department, the University of Nairobi and the University of Oxford have been used as a benchmark for UK Met Office forecasting models for East Africa.

Hydrochemical and isotopic characteristics of the Lodwar Alluvial Aquifer System (LAAS) in Northwestern Kenya and implications for sustainable groundwater use in dryland urban areas

This paper assesses the Lodwar Alluvial Aquifer System (LAAS), a crucial resource to northwestern Kenya amid its drylands and unreliable surface water supply. The researchers aimed to study the aquifers hydrochemical and isotopic characteristics to better understand how to manage this groundwater system. Therefore, during the May 2018 wet season, they collected 112 water samples to establish isotopic compositions of rain, spring, surface water and groundwater. Understanding recharge sources and aquifer vulnerability of similar strategic aquifers can help scientists appropriately advise policymakers and the water community who develop sustainable water use, aquifer protection and conservation strategies. As well as providing insight in this regard, the study contributes scientific evidence of isotopic compositions of groundwater in the Horn of Africa.

Scaling up results-based funding for rural water services

In 2016, a results-based funding model was developed to improve the reliability of rural drinking water supply services in Kenya. The Water Services Maintenance Trust Fund (WSMTF) has tested a professional service delivery model in two counties and attracted new sources of results-based funds to guarantee water services in rural communities. 

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