Achieving universal, safely managed water and sanitation services by 2030 is projected to cost $114 billion per year. This Policy Forum published in Science addresses how we need to rethink the way we value and manage water for sustainable development.
Weather and climate knowledge for water security: Institutional roles and relationships in Turkana
In this working paper the authors discuss findings from a 2016 study of the institutions involved in water decision-making in Lodwar, focusing on their access to and use (or non-use) of weather and climate information.
Current challenges and good practices for water use authorisation systems in Africa
Experiences in the implementation of water permit systems in Malawi, Kenya, South Africa, Uganda and Zimbabwe, show common challenges, good practices, and areas for improvement, particularly in how permit systems address the needs of small-scale water users.
The Fundifix model: Maintaining rural water services
Led by local entrepreneurs and powered by the mobile network, the FundiFix model is a performance-based approach to maintaining rural water services in Africa.
Maintaining Africa’s water infrastructure: findings from a Water Audit in Kitui County, Kenya
An audit of water service infrastructure is the first step towards universal service delivery.