
Incentivizing clean water collection during rainfall to reduce disease in rural sub-Saharan Africa with weather dependent pricing

This article proposes a new pricing mechanism for ‘water ATMs’, made possible with pre-payment and remote sensing, where prices adjust during rainy seasons to incentivise the continued use of clean water sources. The authors estimate cost per capita and cost per disability-adjusted life year averted, resulting in values which compare favourably with other water quality interventions.

Investing in professionalized maintenance to increase social and economic returns from drinking water infrastructure in rural Kenya

This policy brief is based on 10 years of research in Kitui County, Kenya, supported by the REACH programme, the USAID Sustainable WASH Systems Learning Partnership, UNICEF, ESRC and UKAID. It finds the investment case for professionalized maintenance of drinking water infrastructure becomes compelling when factoring in wider social and economic returns.

Drinking water services in coastal Bangladesh

This report presents empirical evidence on the existing state of drinking water services in coastal Bangladesh, highlighting challenges and opportunities for reforms in the institutional design, information systems, and sustainable finances under the proposed ‘SafePani’ model.

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