This research article presents a theoretical framework for embedding water risk in equitable water security considerations, based on analysis of lived water experiences and hyrdosocial drivers in the Awash River basin in Ethiopia.
Assessing the effect of sustainable land management on improving water security in the Blue Nile Highlands: a paired catchment approach
This paper investigates the use of sustainable land management (SLM) practices over a 5 year catchment restoration effort in the Blue Nile Highlands, Ethiopia, analysing run off and soil moisture dynamics. It finds SLM interventions are capable of restoring natural hydrological functionality, and reducing nonproductive freshwater losses.
Sustainable land management, gender, and agricultural productivity
This IFPRI-REACH policy note summarises the results from a study of six learning watersheds in Central and North-Eastern Ethiopia, particularly the gendered differences in the adoption of and investment in sustainable land management practices.
Global prospects to deliver safe drinking water services for 100 million rural people by 2030
This report documents a global diagnostic survey to evaluate the status and prospects of rural water service providers from 68 countries.
Summary Report | Water Security for Climate Resilience
This Summary presents the main findings and recommendations of the Water Security for Climate Resilience Report.
Water Security for Climate Resilience Report
This report presents a synthesis of published and ongoing research by REACH which explores the relationship between water security, climate and climate adaptation decisions. The report draws on findings from REACH research conducted in Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia.
Natural and anthropogenic sources of salinity in the Awash River and Lake Beseka (Ethiopia): Modelling impacts of climate change and lake-river interactions
This study simulated chloride concentration in Ethioia’s Awash River Basin by taking both natural and anthropogenic sources of salinity into consideration. Future scenarios of climate change and Lake Beseka discharge were examined to assess the impact to the river water quality.
Report on findings from the Awash River basin
This report provides an update on REACH’s work in the Awash Basin up to November 2020, and introduces our programme of research from 2020-2024.
Impact of Natural and Anthropogenic Stresses on Surface and Groundwater Supply Sources of the Upper Awash Sub-Basin, Central Ethiopia
A WEAP/MODFLOW model was used to evaluate the impacts of population growth, leakage, expansion of surface and groundwater supply schemes, and climate change scenarios up to the year 2030.
Potential predictability of the Ethiopian summer rains: Understanding local variations and their implications for water management decisions
This study identifies spatial variability of relationships, and interactions, that offer additional information to support development of seasonal forecasting.