
Gender and water security in Burkina Faso: lessons for adaptation

Residents of Burkina Faso’s Nouaho sub-basin are exposed to water-related hazards such as inadequate quantities of water, poor sanitation, and flooding, which are exacerbated by climate change. This brief explores gender-differentiated water security risks in Nouaho sub-basin, with the aim of informing the development of adaptation strategies in the water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) sector.

A cultural theory of drinking water risks, values and institutional change

This Policy Brief, based on an article by Koehler et al (2018), explores how drinking water risks are managed in rural Africa and considers pluralist institutional arrangements that enable risks and responsibilities to be re-conceptualised and re-allocated between the state, market and communities to create value for rural water users.

A cultural theory of drinking water risks, values and institutional change

In this article published in Global Environmental Change, the authors apply Mary Douglas’ cultural theory to rural waterpoint management and discuss its operationalisation in pluralist arrangements through networking different management cultures at scale. The theory is tested in coastal Kenya, drawing on findings from a longitudinal study of 3500 households.

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