This perspective summarises a recent paper from the Joint Monitoring Program team (Bain et al. 2021), and recommends three key areas for capacity strengthening to advance water safety toward achieving SDG 6.1: better information through risk-based monitoring, improved institutional clarity on roles and responsibilities, and more investment in mainstream water safety planning.
Drinking Water Quality in Bangladesh | 2021 Updates
This report shares key findings from the Bangladesh Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) 2019: Water Quality Thematic Report, based on water quality testing and survey carried out in 2019 by Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics in collaboration with UNICEF and icddr,b.
Who does what and why? Examining intra-household water and sanitation decisionmaking and autonomy in Asutifi North, Ghana
This article examines two important aspects of decision-making around WASH: motivations behind a person’s actions, and the extent to which decisions are perceived to be solely or jointly made.
‘They will listen to women who speak but it ends there’: examining empowerment in the context of water and sanitation interventions in Ghana
This study explores the meanings of women’s empowerment in the WASH sector from the perspective of local stakeholders in the Asutifi North District, Ghana.
Global prospects to deliver safe drinking water services for 100 million rural people by 2030
This report documents a global diagnostic survey to evaluate the status and prospects of rural water service providers from 68 countries.
Policy reform to deliver safely managed drinking water services for schools in rural Bangladesh
This report draws on research from 150 primary and secondary schools in Chandpur district to analyse the status of drinking water services, in terms of access, quality, quantity, functionality, and costs.
Geomorphic change in the Ganges– Brahmaputra–Meghna delta
More than 70% of large deltas are under threat from rising sea levels, subsidence and anthropogenic interferences, including the Ganges–Brahmaputra–Meghna (GBM) delta, the Earth’s largest and most populous delta system. This review describes GBM delta dynamics, examining these changes through the Drivers– Pressures–States–Impacts–Responses framework.
Individual choices and universal rights for drinking water in rural Africa
This paper seeks to understand which attributes of water services rural people value. The authors modelled more than 11,000 choice observations in rural Kenya by attributes of drinking water quality, price, reliability, and proximity.
River pollution and social inequalities in Dhaka, Bangladesh
This study seeks to understand the socio-spatial and seasonal inequalities in pollution risks in Dhaka, Bangladesh. The authors designed a direct observation method to record people’s daily river use activities across dry and wet seasons, complemented by monthly monitoring of river water quality, heavy metal and biotoxicity assessment a large-scale household survey along a 25km stretch of the Turag River and Tongi Khal in Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Summary Report | Water Security for Climate Resilience
This Summary presents the main findings and recommendations of the Water Security for Climate Resilience Report.