Climate Resilience

Ensuring sustainable water security through sustainable land management: Research evidences for policy

Land degradation is adversely affecting over 75% of the Earth’s land surface and could exceed 90% by 2050. Likewise, the rate of soil erosion will increase by 66% during the period 2015–2070. Sustainable land management (SLM) practices are key to reducing rates of land degradation and are proven to ensure water security by increasing soil moisture availability, decreasing surface runoff, decreasing soil erosion, increasing infiltration, and decreasing flood discharge. In Ethiopia, over 85% of the land is moderately to very severely degraded at an estimated cost of $4.6 billion annually. This research highlights the importance of developing an SLM-water security policy to make the most of SLM techniques at a local and national scale.

Policy and practice recommendations on flood risk management in the Awash basin

In 2020, extreme rainfall triggered massive flooding and severe damage to property in Ethiopia’s Awash river basin. The International Water Management Institute (IWMI) examined climatic and non-climatic drivers of this event and its impacts on different social groups. Recommended action points for practitioners and policy makers include institutional design for coordinated flood management and response, collaboration on operational guidance and improved early warning system, revision of studies based on recent science and data, improving access to data for researchers and research-users, integration of indigenous knowledge into flood risk preparedness and research, and strengthening of Awash-flood related research in Ethiopia’s university and higher education institutions. Gender-responsive interventions to flooding are critical.

Hydrologic Extremes in a Changing Climate: a Review of Extremes in East Africa

This review presents recent research on drivers and typologies of climate extremes across different East African geographies. Droughts and floods remain the major challenges of the region. There are improvements in forecasting these extremes, but further research is required to improve understanding of key drivers and improve information provision for risk-based decision-making.

Global high-resolution drought indices for 1981–2022

Droughts are one of the most complex and devastating natural disasters and high-resolution data has proven essential in helping monitor their characteristics. This study has developed four high-resolution drought records based on the standardized precipitation evaporation index (SPEI) from 1981–2022. These datasets provide greater insight into drought patterns on varying scales, with potential benefits for the development of site-specific adaptation measures.

Story of Change: Turkana Jet research unlocks new understanding of East African droughts

The strength of the Turkana Jet – a wind feature which carries water vapour from the Indian Ocean across East Africa to Central Africa – is underestimated in current weather and climate models. New observations of the jet by researchers from the Kenya Met Department, the University of Nairobi and the University of Oxford have been used as a benchmark for UK Met Office forecasting models for East Africa.

Story of Change: Open source tools and skills for climate information flows

Reducing barriers to sharing and making use of climate information is vital for climate resilience. In Ethiopia’s Awash Basin, REACH partners have been working together to build tools to facilitate the use of climate data from weather and streamflow gauging stations. Weekly collaborative coding sessions form a long-term capacity building interaction.

Story of Change: Sustainable management of sedimentation risks in coastal rivers in southwest Bangladesh

1.3 million people in Coastal Bangladesh are impacted by severe waterlogging due to riverbed sedimentation. This Story of Change presents work by a research team from the Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology and the Bangladesh Water Development Board (BWDB) to characterize hydrodynamic processes and sediment transport dynamics in the area, with potential implications for different types of interventions. Recommendations include increasing freshwater flows by restoring upstream river-river and river-floodplain connectivity and reducing “repeated dredging” of the same area.

Intra-seasonal rainfall and piped water revenue variability in rural Africa

Rainfall patterns influence water usage and revenue from user payments in rural Africa. The authors explore these dynamics by examining monthly rainfall against 4,888 records of rural piped water revenue in Ghana, Rwanda, and Uganda and quantifying revenue changes over 635 transitions between dry and wet seasons.

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