
Water for healthcare is for more than drinking – Rethinking the water service indicators for healthcare facilities

Healthcare water systems are a critical but overlooked source of healthcare-associated infections. This poster presented at Singapore International Water Week 2024 details a cross-sectional study to examine the quality of water services in Bangladesh public hospitals as assessed by the JMP WASH in Healthcare Facilities indicator, and the utility of E. coli as an indicator of safe water for healthcare use.

Multibranch Modelling of Flow and Water Quality in the Dhaka River System, Bangladesh: Impacts of Future Development Plans and Climate Change

The rivers of Dhaka, Bangladesh, suffer high levels of pollution from untreated sewage and industrial effluent. To address this, over the next 20 years, the government is planning to install 12 large Sewage Treatment Plants (STPs) across the Dhaka River System. This paper applies a water quality model to assess the efficacy of this planned investment. The model suggests that the STPs will improve water quality in the most densely populated areas of the city along the Turag and Buriganga rivers, and in some other parts of the city (Tongi Khal). However, future upgrades will be needed to improve dissolved oxygen levels more widely, due to predicted population growth. Policies to reduce industrial pollution should also be pursued.

Story of Change: Sustainable management of sedimentation risks in coastal rivers in southwest Bangladesh

1.3 million people in Coastal Bangladesh are impacted by severe waterlogging due to riverbed sedimentation. This Story of Change presents work by a research team from the Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology and the Bangladesh Water Development Board (BWDB) to characterize hydrodynamic processes and sediment transport dynamics in the area, with potential implications for different types of interventions. Recommendations include increasing freshwater flows by restoring upstream river-river and river-floodplain connectivity and reducing “repeated dredging” of the same area.

Hydrogeologic Constraints for Drinking Water Security in Southwest Coastal Bangladesh: Implications for Sustainable Development Goal 6.1

This article analyzes drinking water security in southwest coastal Bangladesh, through an in-depth field investigation. It reveals that the exponential growth of groundwater-based technologies, such as tube wells, does not necessarily indicate the actual safe drinking water coverage in coastal areas, due to complex hydrogeology with the high spatial variability of groundwater salinity risks.

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