Water quality data for decision making
Water quality testing is critical for ensuring public health. However, water quality testing is not an end in and of itself: data collection activities should guide the management of water service delivery. The Aquaya Institute’s previous research shows that regulated monitoring institutions in sub-Saharan Africa often respond to water quality test results that indicate contaminated water supplies. Nevertheless, there are substantial opportunities to improve the use of water quality data to inform water safety management in the region.
This study examines how water quality data is used by 26 regulated monitoring agencies across six African countries, with an in-depth focus on key stakeholders and policies in Kenya. Specifically, this research maps information flows to evaluate trends, connections, and barriers to the flow of information within and between institutions at local, regional, and national levels. Based on this analysis, this research will develop strategies for strengthening data flows and data analysis to better inform decision-making that improves water safety and security.
This project is funded through our Partnership Funding.
Aquaya (2020). From data to decisions: Water quality monitoring programs in sub-Saharan Africa, Research brief.
Aquaya (2020). From data to decisions: Water quality monitoring programs in Kenya, Research brief.
Kumpel, E., MacLeod, C., Stuart, K., Cock-Esteb, A., Khush, R., and Peletz, R. (2020). From data to decisions: understanding information flows within regulatory water quality monitoring programs. Npj Clean Water, 3:38