Improving water security for the poor
Our approach
At the heart of the REACH programme was its global science-practitioner partnership, which aligned research design and activities with practitioner interventions to enable the programme to have impact globally.
Our global practitioner partner UNICEF helped us design and implement the research programme. We worked with UNICEF’s global headquarters, as well as regional and country offices in Africa and South Asia to make sure that our science informed their programmes of work.
Our international partners International Water Association (IWA), Rural Water Supply Network (RWSN), and IRC supported the communication and uptake of our research findings and tools via their global networks.
A Global Advisory Panel provided objective and expert oversight of the programme design and delivery. The Panel consisted of globally-recognised practitioners, scientists, enterprises and policy-makers.
A Science Board was responsible for providing scientific leadership and guidance to the programme, working with the Global Advisory Panel and lead researchers from country partners.
The REACH logical framework functioned as a monitoring tool used to measure our progress.